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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's time

It's time was the slogan for the 2010 season and I thought it was kind of corny, but it certainly wasn't the worst slogan I've heard. It kind of got me going, I mean it's freaking time. We've waited long enough, some of our prospects are finally up and we added some veterans to help us balance it out. It's time. Let's do it. No more waiting for the playoffs, I want the playoffs now. The playoffs we got in this magical 2010 season and when I say magical I really mean it. That is the only way to describe what we saw this 2010 season, I mean sure I wanted them go to the playoffs this year, but did I expect it? Not so much. They proved me wrong and everyone else wrong this season. Not only did they go to the playoffs, they made it to the freaking World Series. At first the playoffs were just in someway gratifying, and it was "wow maybe I'm not incredible crazy for caring about this team so much" then after we beat the Rays it was just pure joy. What an amazing feeling it is having the team you care so much about make it to the championship. It was so sweet and so much fun to watch this team play this season, it was never boring. At times frustrating but it was never boring and that is because the guys on this team are so much fun to watch, so much. Sure you got the Claw and Antlers but if you know baseball and you play baseball you can tell when someone truly appreciates it. They appreciate it and watching this whole season it makes me appreciate baseball more.

Every playoff game I went to I always took a moment just to soak it in. The first playoff game this year I remember sitting in my seat way way up and just seeing all the towels flying. Now mind you I hate rally towels but it sure was nice to see at the ballpark. I always see them at Philly and to finally see them here with music playing and the crowd being pumped up. It was something I thought I'd never see at the ballpark. Then the night we won the pennant was the best night of my life. I'm so happy I was there and able to share and go crazy with other ranger fans. That night was crazy. It was like my hangover, except with no drugs or alcohol. Also no naked man jumped on me, however a guy without his shirt off gave me a hug and the smell of his funk is just now washing off of me.

So thank you to Washington, who overcame a lot this year. From the Cocaine reports to leading the team to a World Series.

Thanks to Michael Young who hasn't left this franchise and stuck with it through all the terrible times. It's finally paying off.

Thanks to Hamilton for being a Hall of Fame player and Hall of Fame guy.

Thanks to Elvis for being the 2nd best person named Elvis ever.

Thanks to Kinsler and an apology to his helmet that got pounded into the ground quite a bit.

Thanks to Neftali Feliz who throws a fastball that goes faster than my car.

Thanks to Cliff Lee for saving our butt this post-season.

Thanks to C.J. Wilson for backing up his cockiness and turning into a solid number 2 starter.

And Thanks to Josh Lewin who will no longer be announcing the games, but will always be my favorite announcer.

Oh and of course Thank you Nelly and your boomstick.

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