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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Booing Colby Lewis.

On August 29th Colby Lewis had one of his few bad games. He's been a very solid pitcher for the Rangers and has had some terribly luck in his past few starts. He's been stuck at 9 wins for way too long but hasn't seemed to let it get to him. After today's game though the frustration came through and during his postgame interview he mentioned how he didn't appreciate getting booed. He was "disappointed" and thought "our fans were better than that" now the people that were booing him were not right. If they knew anything about the team they would know that he is one of our best pitchers and if anybody should be booed right now it's the lineup as a whole. Let's go further than that. You don't boo a guy going out there doing his best giving the team a chance to win. You don't boo again who wears glasses when he's not pitching looks like an average joe, yet can pitch like a #2 starter. You don't boo that guy, no. You wanna know who you boo?

Boo yourself. Look in the mirror, and boo yourself. This team is in first place by 7.5 games and you wanna boo cause the game you happened to see was a bad one. BOO YOURSELF! Go do it now then come back and talk to me and apologize to Colby. Should Colby had kept his mouth shut? Probably. BUT YOU DON'T BOO A GUY WHO IS GOING OUT THERE GIVING IT HIS ALL YOU JUST DON'T DO IT! I mean come on, guys. Come on. You look at his record and see 9-11 and you probably think he sucks. Don't lie to me, you think he sucks. Well how about you look at real stats and watch the games? How about that, you fat drunk. I bet the kid who was sitting next to you was wondering why your fat self was booing one of the best pitchers on the team. I hope he put nachos on your chair angels in the outfield style. Knowing your fatass though you probably ate them, you sick fat bastard. I bet the only time you stood up during the whole game was so that you could boo him.

Stretch those sausage links you call legs. Walk a little bit. I mean I know rolling up those escalators was tiring for you but maybe you would have lost a few pounds if you took the stairs, you fatty. Go to a gym with a big mirror, and while you're running on the treadmill just boo your fucking self. Boo those pounds off you miserable dip shit.

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